Monday, 4 November 2013

Concept of Class and Object simple Example: 

 Write a program to create ‘Student’ class with rollNo and name as two instance variables.
Create two objects student 1, student 2 for the Student class and assign any appropriate values to the objects. Display the Object content on a Console.

class StudentDetails
   int Rollnumber;
   String Name;
   public StudentDetails(int rno,String sname)
public void PrintDetails()
System.out.println("The Student Rollno is:"+Rollnumber);
        System.out.println("The Student Name is:"+ Name);

public class Student

public static void main(String[] args) 

  StudentDetails student1=new StudentDetails(1,"Ajay");
  StudentDetails student2=new StudentDetails(2,"Kumar");




The Student Rollno is:1
The Student Name is:Ajay


The Student Rollno is:2
The Student Name is:Kumar

IS-A Relationship :-
The term it self indicates that "Tight Coupling" of two things.In java Sub class is a part of super class.This IS-A relationship is achieved through Inheritance,Interface concept.
IS-A is a way of saying, "this thing is a type of that thing." For example, a Mustang is a type of horse, so in O O terms we can say, "Mustang IS-A Horse." Subaru IS-A Car. Broccoli IS-A Vegetable (not a very fun one, but it still counts). You express the IS-A relationship in Java through the keyword.

Example :consider following code
public class Parent
public void display() //method in super class
System.out.println("Display from parent");

}//super class

public class Child extends Parent
public void childDisplay() //display method in child class
System.out.println("Display from child");

}//child class

class Demo //it contains the main method
public static void main(String[] args)
Child ch1=new Child();
Demo d=new Demo();
public void doDisplay(Parent p)
}//demo class


 Display From Parent                        
"Child Extends Parent means Child IS-A Parent"

Consider another example:
Imagine we now have two specialized subclasses that extend the more generic GameShape class, PlayerPiece and TilePiece:
class GameShape {
public void displayShape() {
System.out.println("displaying shape");
// more code

class PlayerPiece extends GameShape {
public void movePiece() {
System.out.println("moving game piece");
// more code
class TilePiece extends GameShape {
public void getAdjacent() {
System.out.println("getting adjacent tiles");
// more code
Now imagine a test class has a method with a declared argument type of GameShape, that means it can take any kind of GameShape. In other words,any subclass of GameShape can be passed to a method with an argument of type
GameShape. This code

public class TestShapes {
public static void main (String[] args) {
PlayerPiece player = new PlayerPiece();
TilePiece tile = new TilePiece();
public static void doShapes(GameShape shape) {

displaying shape
displaying shape

The key point is that the doShapes() method is declared with a GameShape argument but can be passed any subtype (in this example, a subclass) of GameShape.The method can then invoke any method of GameShape, without any concern for the actual runtime class type of the object passed to the method. There are implications, though. The doShapes() method knows only that the objects are a type of GameShape, since that's how the parameter is declared. And using a reference variable declared as type GameShape—regardless of whether the variable is a method parameter, local variable, or instance variable—means that only the methods of GameShape can be invoked on it. The methods you can call on a reference are totally dependent on the declared type of the variable, no matter what
the actual object is, that the reference is referring to. That means you can't use a GameShape variable to call, say, the getAdjacent() method even if the object passed in is of type TilePiece.