Friday, 13 June 2014

Why We Use Web Services?

Ø AS Web Services are some Piece of code, there is chance of exposing the functionality of a service over a network. By this Other Applications can Use these Functionalities.

Ø By using Web Services different types of Applications can communicate each other.

Ø It Uses Wide variety of Protocol stack so that  there is somany advantages like wide range of choices and reduction in Cost.

Ø It uses simple and cost Effective protocols like SOAP,HTTP etc.

Ø Besides these also uses many protocols if necessary.

Ø Use variety of technologies to implement web services and these are self explanatory.

Ø It automatically discovers the service providers near by it and starts communicate.

Ø New services can easy to Enter and starts their business.

Web services are mixture of HTTP, XML that convert it to web applications and share these to rest of the World.
It consists of elements like Http, SOAP, WSDL.

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